Summer Economics: Money and Math at the Grocery Store!

Summer is a great time to teach your kids the basics of money. And one of the best ways to do that is to incorporate those lessons into family fun! We’re here to help with easy, engaging activities that will build your kids’ financial literacy and math skills. This week, we’re headed to the grocery store!
Everyday activities like going grocery shopping as a family are a great time to build math and money skills. Younger kids can practice their counting and reading, and learn important financial literacy concepts like needs versus wants. Older kids can learn about budgeting, meal planning, price comparison, methods of payment, and more! We’ve put together a lesson plan that will help parents and kids get more out of those mundane trips to the grocery store. The lesson also includes book and $martPath video recommendations that will help kids grasp those concepts. 
Click the button below to download a PDF of this lesson!
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